Washington State Family Advocacy Board

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Impact | PSE’s Renewal, Part Two

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At this final opportunity to comment on the renewal decision, Impact’s community showed up and spoke up for over an hour about what they’d like to see happen with their five-year old Tukwila school, Impact | Puget Sound Elementary (PSE).

By the end of their February 9th meeting, after listening to thirty public comments, conversing with school and network leadership, and deliberating, the Washington State Charter School Commission (Commission) granted Impact’s Board of Directors a two-year charter contract renewal for PSE with conditions to address “outstanding concerns.”

Read on learn about what families, teachers, scholars, staff, and other members of the public shared, and what the Commission considered to make their decision.

What Was Written

February’s Written Public Comments Folder contains comments about the renewal opportunity from PSE 4th graders, a PSE parent, and an Impact board member.

Renewal Materials from Commission staff, Impact Public Schools, and Impact PSE document the back and forth conversation between the authorizer and network and school representatives.

What Was Said

The Commission staff’s meeting Minutes thoroughly documents the long list of families, teachers, scholars, and other members of the public shared who shared their perspectives and experiences through oral public comments.

By Families

Most spoke positively about the school and supported renewal. Some expressed explicit support of the five-year renewal option.

Beginning at 9:34, parents Kabri Schmid, Doug and Patrice Moon, Sonia Kumar, Rosalia Morales, Lewis Savedra, Yadira Lemus, Kashmir Owen, and Charlie Klein talked about how PSE has proved to be a good fit for their families and why the school should have its contract renewed.

Eric Willard, a founding PSE parent and WA FAB co-founder, shared his concerns about the school’s special education program. He concluded with his support of Commission staff’s recommendation for the continued operation of the school while supporting their development plan of a compliant SPED program. You can view his comment at 27:29 or by clicking here.

Former PSE parent Anab, expressed her deep concerns about the school and opposition to renewing the charter. You can view her comment at 1:07:59 or by clicking here.

By Leadership

PSE Principal Eliza Gabriel (taught 4th Grade at PSE last year) spoke to her appreciation of the transformational coaching and teacher development offered at the school.

PSE 3rd-5th Grade Assistant Principal Shalea Semana described shifting school culture with a clear vision of equity in achievement through student leadership and enrichment opportunities.

Former PSE principal Emma Bean (led PSE for 3 of the 5 years of the original charter contract, currently Impact’s Interim CEO), and Lauren Ellis (founding principal of Impact Salish Sea Elementary, now Impact’s Director of Programs) strongly advocated for a five-year charter contract renewal.

Leadership’s comments start at 37:37.

By Educators

Several educators testified live beginning at 46:42.

PSE 4th Grade Teacher Angela Dampier (started as a 4th Grade Teaching Fellow last year) expressed how fortunate she feels to be a teacher that reflects what the student body looks like.

4th Grade Teacher Lauren Sluss told how she is drawn to teach at PSE because it is their mission to create courageous, resilient humans, specifically through the social emotional curriculum.

2nd Grade Teacher Katy Hatch talked about her four years at PSE (beginning as a Teaching Fellow) and how the curriculum, values, and model play a large role in helping her and her scholars grow over the years.

3rd-5th Grade Substitute Teacher Kenneth Cruz spoke passionately about his love working for a school that centers on the student and family experience, where colleagues work together to ensure they meet the school’s mission.

The teachers’ commentary was followed by testimony from seven PSE scholars and a few staff members and community partners.

By the Commission

Watch from 1:22:10 to hear the Commission staff recommendations, questions and answers from Impact board members and executive leadership, as well as the Commission’s discussion and closing resolution.

If you’d rather read what was said, take a look at pages 3 and 4 of the Minutes.

What Was Decided

A 2-year charter renewal with conditions was granted! Why the short-term renewal and not a full renewal? And, as readers of KUOW reporter Ann Dornfeld’s Broken Promises series may ask, with all the concerns raised why grant the renewal at all?

The February Meeting Minutes tell us:

Commissioners remarked that while PSE has impressive student outcome results, there were outstanding concerns about the school’s compliance with the law and parent concerns.

What Comes Next

For the School

The renewal contract and a set of specific conditions (pp. 267-272) was approved by the Commission on Thursday, April 20th.

According to the April Meeting Minutes the conditions are:

The required special education plan for improvement, which include but are not limited to: timely and full resolution of the OSPI Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for special education;

and the school’s development and implementation of a plan to implement special education improvement conditions during the renewal term.

Now it is up to the Impact Public Schools board of directors and Impact | PSE to fulfill the contract and meet the conditions. The school will “report to the Commission on its progress on the CAP quarterly, at every Quarterly School Review Meeting.”

For Families, Teachers, and the Community

It was heartening to see the Commission double the time for public comment at the February renewal meeting to accommodate all thirty people who wanted to speak. As renewals and expansions come up every year, we encourage families, educators, students, and community members around charter schools to keep on engaging with the Commission and sharing your experiences and perspectives. They want to hear from you. Your honest, continual, and unfiltered feedback will help Washington’s charter schools improve and their students thrive.

To learn more about the renewal and expansion process click here: https://charterschool.wa.gov/expansions-renewals/

To learn about how to share your thoughts with the Commission, click here: https://charterschool.wa.gov/contact-us/

Yours in community,