Washington State Family Advocacy Board

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Your Comments Needed: RVLA Grade Expansion Application

Dear WA FAB Network,

Rainier Valley Leadership Academy (RVLA) has applied to the Washington State Charter School Commission to expand from Grades 6-12 to K-12 so they can open an anti-racist elementary school. What do you think?

Here's some basic information about RVLA:

While the final decision lies with the Commission they very much want to hear from families. Please call or send an email by November 10th to sign up and give a written or oral public comment at the Commission's November 14th special meeting online and in Olympia (instructions may be found here and the meeting schedule here) and encourage other families and educators to do the same!

RVLA would also like to hear from you! They've created a 5-10 minute survey to learn more about how families who would like a free public anti-racist education for their elementary-aged children would like their children educated.

Please share the survey with family, friends, and other members of your communities.

Yours in Community, WA FAB