Your First Step Into Special Education
What is special education?
Special education (SPED) is specially designed instruction for the unique needs of the student that has been deemed eligible. This service is to be provided at no cost and is intended to allow that student to access their education similar to their peers.
It is a service _NOT_ a place.
If an individual is evaluated and found eligible for SPED services, that person is guaranteed a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) by the Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA).
Do you think your student needs additional support to fully access the curriculum provided by your charter school?
Take these 3 steps to get started!
Address your concern with your child’s teacher.
Follow up with a written request (an email will work) with your teacher and school principal requesting an evaluation for Special Education services.
Review processes outlined by OSPI that the school district is required to follow.
Check out these helpful resources:
What is Special Education? from the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s (OSPI) Special Education Guidance for Families website.
What happens after you request a Special Education referral? from OSPI’s Special Education Guidance for Families.