Catalyst: Bremerton’s First Contract Renewal

Dear WA FAB Network,

Charter renewal season has begun! The Olympic Peninsula’s Catalyst Public Schools: Bremerton is up for its first charter renewal this year.

You have from April 9th until 10 days before the Commission’s decision (August 8th or October 10th) to tell the Washington State Charter School Commission what you think about renewing Catalyst: Bremerton’s contract for up to five years.

According to the Commission staff’s 2024 Performance Report, Catalyst: Bremerton is meeting standards in all areas (academic, organizational, financial), though they noted concerns with:

  1. In 2022-2033, the school had lower academic performance for students of two or more races than they had targeted for the school year, and did not meet academic expectations for their students with disabilities and low-income students,

  2. Fewer safety drills than required were held in 2021-2022, the school fixed this issue for 2022-2023,

  3. The school missed its targeted number of students returning for 2021-2022.

The school has 30 days to send in a written response to the commission’s performance report to share context and other information or evidence that they want to add. We suggest checking the Renewal Materials folder over the next few weeks for the school’s response.

Here's some basic information about Catalyst: Bremerton:

So what do you think? Has Catalyst: Bremerton fulfilled its commitments to the children and families it serves and the communities around it?

Based on your answer to that question, do you want the Commission to approve the renewal of this school's contract? Here are some possible answers to consider:

  1. Yes, renew their contract for five years.

  2. Yes/No, renew their contract with conditions (for example: renew for a shorter period, or with additional requirements).

  3. No, do not renew their contract.

Two students standing and raising their hands.

While the final decision lies with the Commission they very much want to hear from families, students, and educators.

Please share your opinions, reasons, and experiences with them in a written or oral public comment and encourage others to do the same!

Choose whichever way makes the most sense for you:

  • Send an email to

  • Make a phone call to 360-725-5511

  • Mail a written comment to P.O. Box 40996, Olympia, WA 98504-0996

  • Call or send an email to sign up and give a written or oral public comment at an upcoming hybrid commission meeting online or in person (instructions may be found here and the meeting schedule here).

Yours in Community, WA FAB


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