The Charter School Novellas

Impact | SSE’s First Contract Renewal
Impact | SSE is up for their first charter contract renewal this year! What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Impact | PSE’s Second Short-Term Contract Renewal
Impact | PSE is up for a short-term contract renewal this year. What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Catalyst: Bremerton’s First Contract Renewal
Catalyst: Bremerton is up for their first charter contract renewal this year! What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Impact | PSE’s Renewal, Part Two
What happened with Impact | PSE’s renewal in 2022? What’s next?

Your Comments Needed: Summit: Atlas Short-Term Contract Renewal Application
Summit: Atlas has put in their application for contract renewal. What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Your Comments Needed: Catalyst: Bremerton Grade Expansion Application
Catalyst: Bremerton has put in their application to expand from Grades K-12 to Grades K-12. What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Impact | PSE’s Renewal, Part One
What happened with Impact | PSE’s renewal in 2022.

Your Comments Needed: Impact | PSE Contract Renewal
Impact | PSE has put in their application for contract renewal. What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

Your Comments Needed: RVLA Grade Expansion Application
RVLA has put in their application to expand from Grades 6-12 to Grades K-12. What do you think the Commission should decide? Read on, think about it, and let them know!

And The Surveys Say…
We asked, a few brave souls answered, here’s what they said.

We’re Listening
Hello, there! Summer surveys have gone out to leadership and staff at several schools in the WA charter sector. What did you learn this past school year?
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