Impact | PSE’s Second Short-Term Contract Renewal
Dear WA FAB network,
Tukwila’s Impact | Puget Sound Elementary is one of three charter schools up for renewal this school year!
You have from April 9th until 10 days before the commission’s decision (August 8th or October 10th) to tell the Charter School Commission what you think about renewing Impact | PSE’s current two-year contract for up to three years.
The First Short-Term Renewal
The Commission’s 2024 Performance Report explains that the school’s contract was renewed during the 2021-2022 school year for two years with conditions:
“related to special education compliance based on issues identified by OSPI and, subsequently, the Commission.
OSPI required Impact | PSE to develop and implement a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to address and remedy issues related to:
• Tracking/documentation of special education services;
• Compensatory education; and
• Progress reporting.
In July 2023, OSPI closed the complaint against Impact | PSE. OSPI found that the school “had implemented the required corrective actions.” The letter noted that the school’s progress reports reflected “Impact [PSE]’s commitment to improving practices.”
The Commission’s renewal inspection and special education inquiry precipitated requirements in the following areas:
• the process for initiating and documenting referrals of students for special education evaluation;
• the scope, content and format of IEPs, including specially-designed instruction and accommodations;
• the MTSS/RTI process as it pertains to students with disabilities;
• special education-related professional development for co-teaching, specially designed instruction, and curricular programs at Impact | PSE; and
• board engagement with the school community such as through surveys and community meetings.
The Commission has determined that Impact | PSE is meeting all of the requirements listed, above. Commission monitoring and the school’s reporting requirements will continue through the 2024-25 school year consistent with the school’s charter contract.”
How The School Is Doing Now
The 2024 Performance Report goes on to note that in addition to meeting the requirements of the renewal’s conditions, Impact | PSE is currently meeting expectations academically, organizationally, and financially; though the school did not meet the standard for recurrent enrollment (students coming back for the next school year) in 2021-2022.
The school has 30 days to send in a written response to the commission’s performance report to share context and other information or evidence that they want to add. We suggest checking the Renewal Materials folder over the next few weeks for Impact | PSE’s response.
Here's some basic information about Impact | PSE:
2023 Charter Contract | 2022 Charter Contract Renewal Application
2019-2020 Performance Report | 2022 Performance Report | 2024 Performance Report
2021-2022 State Auditor Accountability Report | 2023 CPA Firm’s Audit Report (search for other reports here)
Impact School Board Members, Meeting Agendas, Materials and Archive
So what do you think? Is Impact | PSE fulfilling its commitments to the children and families it serves and the communities around it?
Based on your answer to that question, do you want the commission to approve the renewal of this school's contract? Here are some possible answers to consider:
Yes, renew their contract for three years.
Yes/No, renew their contract with conditions (for example: renew for a shorter period, or with additional requirements).
No, do not renew their contract.
While the final decision lies with the commission they very much want to hear from families, students, and educators.
Please share your opinions, reasons, and experiences with the Commission in a written or oral public comment and encourage others to do the same!
Choose whichever way makes the most sense for you:
Send an email to
Make a phone call to 360-725-5511
Mail a written comment to P.O. Box 40996, Olympia, WA 98504-0996
Call or send an email to sign up and give a written or oral public comment at an upcoming hybrid commission meeting online or in person (instructions may be found here and the meeting schedule here).
Yours in Community, WA FAB